Rooted Kratom Plant – success story

Rooted Kratom Plant – success story
I thought you would enjoy seeing how amazing my 2 plants look. They really took off. They love the New Orleans climate. I am preparing to do some harvesting, and pruning. They will look more like trees soon. Very happy with your product!!! I cannot believe it hasn’t even been a year.
William Campell. Aug 14, 2022

Benny Laszlo Kratom Tree from

Benny Laszlo Kratom Tree from
Benny Laszlo Kratom Tree from
Rescuing kratom trees in Fort Myers, Florida!
Rescuing kratom trees in Fort Myers, Florida!
Anyone in South west florida want trees/clones? I got screwed by the housing situation down here and am basically having to throw them out. One is a big indo that produces clones like crazy. At this point I need to be rid of them and rather they not just die.
Anyone in South west florida want trees/clones? I got screwed by the housing situation down here and am basically having to throw them out. One is a big indo that produces clones like crazy. At this point I need to be rid of them and rather they not just die. from KratomGarden

Edit; all trees, red wiggler compost colonies, and many of my planters are gone! Thanks to those two who came through, first guy got the big load then yesterday we got the last ones, the biggest ones, out of here. I know I dont have pics but even the pics i was taking were not showing the sheer scale of what I had going on so I think it was a little bit of an “oh shit” but “fuck yeah” moment for both and I will help these guys keep the genetics going. Not a great time to sell trees anyway, my best chance was 2015 or if I started with the trees I got in 2016 which turned very quickly into giant trees in Florida so not too worried about the loss, just the loss of time, effort, and money. But benzos made me make all the wrong choices leading to this so stay off the real drugs kids.
Ii tell you what the kratom extract is real drugs too and is what is causing this scheduling madness, stay away from those horrible products. I was taking in combo with benzos of course but extract is too strong, lasts way less time, doesn’t have the same ceiling effect and are dangerous just because they skyrocket your tolerance. I am not a smoke shop buyer so I had it in bulk but used it up quickly and blew my tolerance up. Finally back to 20-30g leaf (its really strong but way better than extract) daily and around 10mg etizolam (was legit taking 50mg or more just being a complete idiot and lost control of my life so this was clearly not going to make me money and I have the connections and have no doubt these guys have the land to get me some decent trees back some day with the genes they got.
Thanks again all, that was TRULY LAST MINUTE the storage locker was ready to make things even worse than they already are buy they were SO patient I would reccomend then to anyone. I really pushed my luck but got into a single locker yesterday so all is well and I have tons of seeds still. If anyone wants huge 95 gal garbage bin planters (basically mobile planters, biggest you can find) I still have 3 of those with good soil in them. No more trees though just seeds and I can turn those into trees, I would probably only grow a few varieties for actually using them anyway. I never tried my leaves but I have inside info on the alkaloid contents, ill just say the prices of clones are arbitrary and don’t mean SHIT. Also don’t worry about mature plants and all that crap, so much internet/reddit knowledge is people’s best guesses but we will have some hard data soon!
Apologies for getting short with anyone or being confusing, this is a tough time in my life and believe me it HURT BAD to get rid of all my work. But if I ever grow like that again it will be for myself and I have learned a lot and met some amazing people from this, actually another grower I almost owe my life to and I don’t think I will ever be short of trees if I want them. Love you guys, wish the kratom community didnt get so toxic as it has been during this recent venture (vs 6 years ago when I started, but also drug problems would have screwed me over once or twice anyway)
Seriously bring some LOVE back to this community man, nobody is going to get rich selling clones at this point, be honest with yourself and look at the legislation man, just the fact you have to buy/sell so differently is a BAD SIGN for future legality. Get a clone or two but dont expect to get rich hahahah. It is not easy to break into when you have a few growers doing things so well and it is so hard to advertise. LOVE YOU ALL, wish me luck on this detox journey, kratom has helped and hurt in ways but it helps a lot when my doses are lower and I dont need to take it ever 6-8hrs. As I type its been 12 hrs since last dose and I feel okay as well as 1/10th the benzos so I will make it through but I need to clean up and worry about happiness and love over drugs and money. I always seem to get both if I really want them but my life has lacked love from my family and in general so I am working on that. Kratom isnt a cure for depression but it can be an aid if you don’t go overboard.
Okay end rant, love you all, thanks for the reaching out and support i know people just like free stuff but whatever, you can’t imagine what I have lost overall with dumb choices (ie pulled out 20k ETH at $2.2k for it to double in a month, long story) just be good to each other and don’t go overboard like my dumb ass. I am lucky to be well educated and have lots of professional work experience so I’ll be back in life in no time but my priorities I think will forever be changed after this one. I hate this cycle and ready to break it. /end rant for real
Picking 10ft kratom tree before transport

Picking 10ft kratom tree before transport
Picking 10ft kratom tree before transport- We are picking this 2 year old 10ft tall kratom tree before we transport it. We do this so that the leaf does not get damaged during transport. 40mph winds can damage kratom leaf. It is best to wrap them up if you can. You can see us drive the tree here: and you can see the tree vertical where I failed to move it here: . This tree is one of 3 that we have to move and I will post the other moves when I film them. Thank you to Joshua for helping me out.
Picking up a Kratom tree from Peteypyro (teaser)

Picking up a Kratom tree from Peteypyro (teaser)
Picking up a Kratom tree from Peteypyro – Thank you very much to one of our mods (peteypyro) on the Kratom Watchdog Android and IOS app. He is a awesome person and we thank him for his donation to the nursery. I’m currently working on putting together a vlog of the trip. Join us on the only free and open discussion #kratomapp #Kratom Watchdog. Built by one of the founders of the non for profit American Kratom Association (AKA).

Picking up a Kratom tree from Peteypyro (teaser)

ECO-FARMING AND KRATOM – Kratom trees, known scientifically as Mitragyna speciosa, are tropical evergreen trees in the coffee family. They grow naturally in rainforests throughout Southeast Asia. The leaves of the kratom tree have both traditional and modern significance for homeopathic medicine.
Kratom was first introduced to Western society in the 1990s but only took hold as an ethnobotanical supplement in the last decade. One potential draw for kratom’s recent rise in popularity? Sustainable, ecological farming practices, otherwise known as eco-farming.
Sustainable farming practices are vital for the continued health of our global ecosystems, including international food economies. Because of this, kratom and eco-farming practices could set the international gold standard for responsible agriculture.
And if this feels like a lot of environmental mumbo-jumbo, don’t worry! Eco-farming can be broken effectively down into seven principles, and they’re quite simple:
The Seven Basic Principles of Eco-Farming
- Crop Sovereignty: people, not corporations, should control crops like food and herbal medicines; producers and consumers should determine how our crops are produced.
- Reward Rural Livelihood: eco-farming creates healthy rural development; this, in turn, creates crop security and fights poverty.
- Smarter Agriculture: sustainable farming practices can create higher yields over time.
- Biodiversity: opting for diverse crops instead of monoculture crops like corn or soy can protect nature; biodiversity allows people to use seasonal plants at cheaper costs.
- Sustainable Soil: ecological farming creates healthier soil; eco-farmers often refrain from chemical inputs like insecticides, which can contaminate the environment.
- Pest Protection: eco-farming creates pest-resistant soil, allowing farmers to control pests and weeds without chemical inputs.
- Food Resilience: diverse and resilient crops, not monoculture crops, offer more protection from natural resource-related market changes; this creates stable crop economies, both locally and transnationally.
Think of this as your guide to eco-farming. If an agricultural practice meets these guidelines, consider it beneficial to eco-farming. Now, let’s see how kratom farming stands up to these seven principles!
Do Kratom and Eco-Farming Go Hand-in-Hand?
Eco-farming sounds great in theory: farmers and consumers hold more power over the food chain, and farming practices that could potentially contaminate the environment are abandoned in favor of ecological farming techniques. Greenpeace even calls eco-farming the combination of “modern science and innovation with respect for nature and biodiversity.”
However, critics say that eco-farming has to mesh well with reality. If ecological farming practices don’t make sense economically, they should be modified in favor of a more profitable system.
But remember when we said kratom could set the gold standard for eco-farming practices? This plant is a shining example of how to incorporate eco-farming into the modern agricultural fold. In fact, kratom meets all seven principles of eco-farming– not in theory, in reality. Here’s how:
(1) Kratom Allows for Crop Sovereignty
Kratom Spot sources their kratom from small family farms throughout Southeast Asia. In regions like Indonesia, kratom trees grow wildly in the rainforests and jungles. These tropical reserves offer rich, nutrient-dense soil without the need for chemical inputs like soil supplements or herbicides.
Here, kratom farmers and consumers control the supply, not corporations. The people have farmed kratom trees for generations. With that experience, they’ve learned how to use eco-farming practices in a sustainable, farmer-controlled setting.
(2) Kratom Rewards Rural Livelihood
The natural kratom trees in Southeast Asia bring employment opportunities, ecological advancements, and global trade opportunities to rural farmers in Southeast Asia. Not only do kratom consumers overwhelmingly support eco-farming practices, mass-farming techniques might yield lower-quality kratom. As such, kratom farmers can maintain their traditional farming practices in an era of technological agricultural advancement.
(3) Kratom is Smarter Agriculture
This is where kratom sets a decisive eco-farming example. Kratom is farmed using a variety of sustainable techniques, such as decentralized cultivation and selective pruning.
Decentralized cultivation means this: kratom farming does NOT rely on clear-cutting forests for farmland. Instead, kratom farmers use both wild growth and small, family farms to supply kratom leaf harvests. This allows native regions to maintain local biodiversity while still profiting from a major agricultural trade product. Biodiversity is vital to Southeast Asia, a region that accounts for an estimated 20 percent of all biodiversity on the planet!
Selective pruning, much like decentralized cultivation, allows for sustainable farming techniques that do not degrade local environments. It works like this: knowledgeable kratom farmers harvest only the leaves needed for the harvest. They do not harvest entire kratom trees at once. Selective pruning has many benefits:
- Only the mature leaves of the desired vein color are harvested.
- The kratom tree is left healthy and unharmed, continuing to grow new leaves.
- The kratom tree is left with the ability to feed new growth and existing growth, creating higher yields over time.
(4) Kratom Promotes Biodiversity
We’ve already mentioned that kratom aids in the maintenance of biodiversity in Southeast Asia. But what else defines the relationship between kratom farming and biodiversity?
For starters, because kratom trees are often grown using decentralized cultivation, wildlife habitats are maintained. Decentralized agriculture, an eco-farming practice, allows us to preserve the diverse habitats of the rainforests. Taken from a past Kratom Spot article:
Animals are part of a delicate natural balance that has already been disrupted in some areas by human encroachment.
But preserving biodiversity goes beyond animal habitation. Biodiversity can shield waterways from nitrogen pollution, improve air quality, and even support human health in various ways.
(5) Kratom Contributes to Sustainable Soil
The rainforests of Southeast Asia do not need chemical fertilizers, insecticides, herbicides, or any chemical inputs that risk damaging soil health. Yes, we know that some chemical fertilizers are “safe” when used properly in industrial settings. However, they must also be removed from consumer-grade products before sale. This isn’t always the case. Furthermore, these toxic chemicals can leach into groundwater and create rippling environmental effects.
But when you practice eco-farming, you don’t even need to worry about chemical inputs– they’re not there! Instead, the soil naturally cycles nutrients from the local flora and fauna.
(6) Kratom Contributes to Natural Pest Protection
As we learned above, kratom trees contribute to healthy soil and biodiversity. In turn, this creates natural pest control! You can thank eco-farming for that: avoiding chemical inputs can protect local insect populations. For example, chemical insecticides risk killing both good and harmful insects.
Good insects eat pests and support biodiversity. Furthermore, because kratom grows in tropical rainforests’ rich, nutrient-dense soil, they are extremely resilient to pest pressure. If we focused on soil health in the United States instead of sheer profitability, our crops could potentially evolve the same.
(7) Kratom Offers Crop Resilience
Kratom farmers use selective pruning, so kratom trees stay intact year-round. This offers the final guideline for eco-farming: crop resilience! Kratom is extremely resilient as it can be harvested year-round under the correct conditions. When trees are left whole, and only necessary leaves are harvested, kratom farmers know that they’ll always have a kratom harvest to look forward to.
Non-eco-farming practices, such as growing monoculture crops like corn in nutrient-lacking soil, can ruin the soil and make farming impossible for generations. On the hard, kratom’s sustainable farming methods will leave kratom trees growing for generations in the same soil we see today.
How Does Kratom Set an Eco-Farming Example
Kratom farmers are well aware of the benefits of eco-farming– they experience them. However, we can, too. We can incorporate eco-farming practices into the United States agriculture sector and enjoy increased biodiversity, increased agricultural profitability, reduce the effects of climate change, and increase our own food supply, reducing poverty.
The benefits of eco-farming go on and on. Sure, it may not be the right move for all agricultural sectors. However, elements of eco-farming – like leaving chemical inputs in the past so they don’t contaminate the environment – should be adopted in favor of more natural choices.
Kratom does not grow naturally in the U.S. But that shouldn’t stop us from using kratom farming as an example for the rest of the world’s agricultural practices. Kratom shows that eco-farming is possible. It’s ecologically possible, economically possible, and possible today! You can do your part to make eco-farming a part of our industries.
Kratom Watchdog Android & IOS

Kratom Watchdog Android & IOS
Have you heard of the Kratom Watchdog app? Kratom Watchdog is a kratom social network built from the ground up by one of the founding member of the non-profit American Kratom Association (AKA). A booming social community with a focus on kratom advocacy. Kratom Watchdog is the oldest kratom social media platform online. With over 400 videos and over 200,000 photo’s from our own kratom Nursery. And 7,000 members we have a very strong growers community that are always willing to help. Kratom Watchdog is available on Android, IOS, and at We are a small self funded development studio. If you would like to donate to the development of the platform we would appreciate it. Thank you for your continued support.
Another successful kratom tree pickup! 7/29/2021

Another successful kratom tree pickup! 7/29/2021
I was told this tree was about 2 years old but I am highly skeptical only because it looks more like a 5 year old tree. Although it is possible. Martha was the previous owner of these trees and she said that she bought them from My trees of life. Thankfully Josh helped us out with his truck and engine lift. Without the engine lift we would not have gotten it into the tuck. The tree ripped apart both our my shoes and will have to be replaced. took us from 10 am to 4 pm to get it moved and planted at the kratom nursery. You can see I tried my best to move it before but it was way to heavy. There are 2 other trees I need to pick up
Failing to move a kratom tree

Failing to move a kratom tree
Failing to move a kratom tree. This tree was extremely heavy. You can see Walter had a tough time moving it. We did end up getting it moved here.
Another successful kratom tree pickup! 7/29/2021
I was told this tree was about 2 years old but I am highly skeptical only because it looks more like a 5 year old tree. Although it is possible. Martha was the previous owner of these trees and she said that she bought them from My trees of life. Thankfully Josh helped us out with his truck and engine lift. Without the engine lift we would not have gotten it into the tuck. The tree ripped apart both our my shoes and will have to be replaced. took us from 10 am to 4 pm to get it moved and planted at the kratom nursery. You can see I tried my best to move it before but it was way to heavy. There are 2 other trees I need to pick up
Removing American Kratom tree Root ball from pot at dusk

Removing American Kratom tree Root ball from pot at dusk
Removing American Kratom tree Root ball from pot at dusk
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