How to grow kratom cuttings – A guide from a customer

How to grow kratom cuttings – A guide from a customer
How to grow kratom cuttings – A guide from a customer – “I have a grow tent on an 18hr per day 300W LED schedule. They took about three weeks to root, and they went from now roots to tons of roots in like 2 days.
I put them in small pots about that size and all of my plants are in Fox Farms Ocean Forest and get fertilized with their liquid fertilizer 1x per week. I use ceramic watering devices to give my plants a steady drip of water, and I mist about 2x daily. The tent also has a humidifier running 24/7 so they are staying at like 80% humidity and >= 75 F at all times. “
Setup instructions
It is important to note to make is: Do not grow these plants like other types of plants. For example these are not tomatoes and will not thrive in the same conditions tomatoes grow in. These Kratom cuttings are rain forest trees. Kratom trees require high heat, high humidity, and lots of water.
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