Kratom Leaf โ€“ Buy Raw Fresh American Kratom Leaf

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Kratom Leaf โ€“ Buy Raw Fresh American Kratom Leaf

5.00 out of 5 based on 3 customer ratings
(15 customer reviews)

$29.99 โ€“ $59.99

We are the only kratom vendor online that offers fresh leaf from fully mature kratom trees. All of our leaf is picked from trees varying in age from 5 โ€“ 11 years old. Each leaf is picked to ship, for freshness we recommend you select 2 day shipping. Your leaf will keep for around eight days in the fridge or 3 โ€“ 4 days at room temperature in a sealed bag. Can be air dried to preserve the leaf at which point it can be stored like your typical leaf or powder.

Leaf Count

Vein Color
Green Vein
Pink Vein
Red Vein
White Vein

Clear selection

Kratom Leaf โ€“ Buy American Kratom Leaf

Kratom Leaf โ€“  It really doesnโ€™t get better than this folks. Fresh leaf is known to be bitter, and this is no exception. Best enjoyed with honey or sugar!

We are the only kratom vendor online that offers fresh leaf from fully mature kratom trees. All of our leaf is picked from trees varying in age from 5 โ€“ 11 years old. Each leaf is picked to ship, for freshness we recommend you select 2 day shipping. Your leaf will keep for around eight days in the fridge or 3 โ€“ 4 days at room temperature in a sealed bag. Can be air dried to preserve the leaf at which point it can be stored like your typical leaf or powder.

How is Fresh Kratom Leaf Traditionally Eaten?Unrooted Kratom Cuttings (3 for 1) 6 inches long

In the fields of Indoneasia workers will traditionally fresh raw kratom leaf is chewed orally. Over the course of the day. Traditionally Indonesian farmers will chew 2 โ€“ 5 leaf over the course of the day for increased stamina.

Kratom โ€“ The sweet treat of The South East

Fresh kratom leaf with sugar in the center

Fresh kratom leaf with sugar in the center

When the natives in South East Asia have a sore throat they will go out in the fields and pick some fresh leaf off of the trees. Placing some sugar in the center and then chew on the leaf. When they chew the leaf the sugar mixes with the fresh leaf  and becomes sort of like a tasty paste. This paste will retain its sweet taste all the way through. This helps relieve sore your throat and makes the day much more bearable. Below we have written a guide to show you how.

Step 1: Pick some fresh leaf off of your tree. Any leaf will do but we recommend using larger leaves as they are easier to work with.

Step 2: Add sugar to the center of your Kratom Leaf

Step 3: Roll up your Fresh Kratom Leaf and enjoy! Chew the leaf for 3-5 min and either spit or swallow.

How do you de-veining kratom leaf?

What is de-veining? De-veining is taking the main stem that runs thru the kratom leaf and extracting the vein out of the leaf. Veins can be chewy and do not break down as easily while chewing.

Brewing Kratom Tea with Fresh Kratom Leaf

Kratom Tea in a pot in cup

Crushed Kratom Leaf

Step 1: Prepare your pot and water. Bring a pot of water simmering boil.
Step 2: While your pot reaches temperature. Chop up 30 fresh kratom leaf.
Step 3: Once your pot is at a simmering boil add your fresh leaf to the pot.
Step 4: Add 4 table spoons of lemon juice
Step 5: Boil your leaf for 35 minutes.
But wait! Do not throw out the leaf yet! You can reuse that leaf to make another pot or two. Enjoy

If you would prefer crushed leaf. Our nursery does offer crushed leaf here! 

What are kratom vein colors?

The color of a kratom vein are determined by the content of mitragynine (alkaloids) in the vein. The purpose of producing mitragynan is to protect the tree from insects and animals from eating the leaf. Itโ€™s also a stress mechanism. The mitragynan is why the leaf is so bitter and correlates to strength.  This is why more mature leaf is more bitter then fresh leaf.  When kratom leaves mature the alkaloids are sucked back into the tree through the veins. These leaves will look more yellow.

In winter you see mostly white and green with some red. Spring, mostly green, white, some red, with pink starting to show up. In summer, Seed pod are popping up, you see green, white, pink, red, purple. This continues to happens thru Fall. We should note seed pods are best to pick off the tree in Jan โ€“ April. Kratom Vein colors usually have its darkest vein color at the exterior of the plant. Getting lighter as you go inward. But is harder to see in summer โ€“ fall as all colors are on the tree. Want to know more? The Kratom Bible is also available here on the #kratomAPP

The more alkaloids in the vein. The more red the vein will be. Purple at the high end of alkaloids. White at the low end of alkaloids. It is possible to see all vein colors grow at the same time on the same tree. (pink, red, purple) more near the bottom as that is where they have roots as thatโ€™s where most of the nutrients are. Up the tree will be more (greens and whites). They start getting more color variation the larger they get.

How much does fresh kratom leaf weigh?

We get this question often asking how much does Fresh Leaf American Kratom weigh? So we decided to make a short video to show you the differences. Most fresh leaf is equivalent to around .8 grams โ€“ 1.2 grams wet. When dried, kratom leaf does not loose a majority of itโ€™s weight maybe a .1 grams to .2 grams.


Mature Kratom Leaf?

Mature Kratom Leaf

Mature Kratom Leaf

Mature Kratom Leaf has been sitting on the trees for months before it is picked. Kratom leaf matures over time and as the leaf ages it becomes stronger. This is kratom leafโ€™s normal life cycle. You can tell a mature leaf will show signs of aging. Edges of the leaf will be a bit more weathered. Leaf that has been further along in the season will have a more yellowish color to the leaf.

How should fresh kratom leaf be stored?

Each fresh leaf is picked to ship.  For the Freshness we recommend you select 2 day shipping. Your leaf will keep for around five to seven days in the fridge or three to four days at room temperature in a sealed bag. Leaf can be air dried to preserve the leaf at which point it can be stored like your typical leaf or powder.

Fresh Kratom Leaf and Cuttings Shipping Notice:

Please be aware all orders of fresh leaf ordered after Sunday at 12 pm est will be defaulted to shipping out on the following weeks Monday (excluding holidays).

This is due to fresh leaf needing to be shipped early in the week as USPS is not 100% reliable in all parts of the USA on Saturdays and Sundays. Fresh leaf is good for about 4-7 days in the fridge and requires leaf to be shipped on particular days so that customers can get as much time as possible with their orders.

For example: If you ordered on a Friday, and that order ships on that Friday, we have no guarantee that order will actually move thru USPS over the weekend and you would forgo 2-3 days of that 4-7 possible days.

If you have any other questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to our team.


How long should I expect Shipping to take?

All orders will only ship out Monday โ€“ Saturday in batches.  Each order will receive a notification and tracking number once the order goes out. Before contacting our staff we recommend that you check your email and spam filter encase you might have missed us. You can reach our staff at our email or by call/ texting (603)733-4665. We would prefer you send us a text as its easier for our staff to respond to and reference back to in case of future issues. We are available Mon โ€“ Sun 8am โ€“ 11 pm EST.  A member of our helpful staff would be more than happy to talk with you anytime.

What happens if there is an issue with you order?

We guarantee to get to your leaf to your door healthy and green. But, sometimes things can happen. If there is ever an issue with your order please contact our team immediately. We ask that you email us at or call /text us at (603)733-4665. Texting is preferred. It is helpful if you also include a photo of the situation and your order number. Our helpful staff will try to respond within the hour.

Where does the money from your order go to?

We are a small self funded American Kratom nursery. Our team does not take payment for our work. Everything we make goes back into the nursery, Documenting kratom, Our kratom social media platform Kratom Watchdog, Our kratom avatar chat Kynto, and our other kratom advocacy projects.โ€™


preorder rooted cuttings banner

preorder rooted cuttings banner

Weight 1.7 g
Leaf Count

10 Leaf Count, 15 Leaf Count, 20 Leaf Count, 30 Leaf Count, 40 Leaf Count, 5 Leaf Count

Vein Color

Green Vein, Pink Vein, Red Vein, White Vein

How is Fresh Kratom Leaf Traditionally Eaten?

In the fields of Indoneasia workers will traditionally fresh raw kratom leaf is chewed orally. Over the course of the day. Traditionally Indonesian farmers will chew 2 โ€“ 5 leaf over the course of the day for increased stamina.

Kratom โ€“ The sweet treat of The South East

Fresh kratom leaf with sugar in the center

Fresh kratom leaf with sugar in the center

When the natives in South East Asia have a sore throat they will go out in the fields and pick some fresh leaf off of the trees. Placing some sugar in the center and then chew on the leaf. When they chew the leaf the sugar mixes with the fresh leaf  and becomes sort of like a tasty paste. This paste will retain its sweet taste all the way through. This helps relieve sore your throat and makes the day much more bearable. Below we have written a guide to show you how. Step 1: Pick some fresh leaf off of your tree. Any leaf will do but we recommend using larger leaves as they are easier to work with. Step 2: Add sugar to the center of your Kratom Leaf Step 3: Roll up your Fresh Kratom Leaf and enjoy! Chew the leaf for 3-5 min and either spit or swallow.

How do you de-veining kratom leaf?

What is de-veining? De-veining is taking the main stem that runs thru the kratom leaf and extracting the vein out of the leaf. Veins can be chewy and do not break down as easily while chewing.

Brewing Kratom Tea with Fresh Kratom Leaf

Kratom Tea in a pot in cup

Crushed Kratom Leaf

Step 1: Prepare your pot and water. Bring a pot of water simmering boil. Step 2: While your pot reaches temperature. Chop up 30 fresh kratom leaf. Step 3: Once your pot is at a simmering boil add your fresh leaf to the pot. Step 4: Add 4 table spoons of lemon juice Step 5: Boil your leaf for 35 minutes. But wait! Do not throw out the leaf yet! You can reuse that leaf to make another pot or two. Enjoy If you would prefer crushed leaf. Our nursery does offer crushed leaf here! 

What are kratom vein colors?

The color of a kratom vein are determined by the content of mitragynine (alkaloids) in the vein. The purpose of producing mitragynan is to protect the tree from insects and animals from eating the leaf. Itโ€™s also a stress mechanism. The mitragynan is why the leaf is so bitter and correlates to strength.  This is why more mature leaf is more bitter then fresh leaf.  When kratom leaves mature the alkaloids are sucked back into the tree through the veins. These leaves will look more yellow. In winter you see mostly white and green with some red. Spring, mostly green, white, some red, with pink starting to show up. In summer, Seed pod are popping up, you see green, white, pink, red, purple. This continues to happens thru Fall. We should note seed pods are best to pick off the tree in Jan โ€“ April. Kratom Vein colors usually have its darkest vein color at the exterior of the plant. Getting lighter as you go inward. But is harder to see in summer โ€“ fall as all colors are on the tree. Want to know more? The Kratom Bible is also available here on the #kratomAPP The more alkaloids in the vein. The more red the vein will be. Purple at the high end of alkaloids. White at the low end of alkaloids. It is possible to see all vein colors grow at the same time on the same tree. (pink, red, purple) more near the bottom as that is where they have roots as thatโ€™s where most of the nutrients are. Up the tree will be more (greens and whites). They start getting more color variation the larger they get.

How much does fresh kratom leaf weigh?

We get this question often asking how much does Fresh Leaf American Kratom weigh? So we decided to make a short video to show you the differences. Most fresh leaf is equivalent to around .8 grams โ€“ 1.2 grams wet. When dried, kratom leaf does not loose a majority of itโ€™s weight maybe a .1 grams to .2 grams.

Mature Kratom Leaf?

Mature Kratom Leaf

Mature Kratom Leaf

Mature Kratom Leaf has been sitting on the trees for months before it is picked. Kratom leaf matures over time and as the leaf ages it becomes stronger. This is kratom leafโ€™s normal life cycle. You can tell a mature leaf will show signs of aging. Edges of the leaf will be a bit more weathered. Leaf that has been further along in the season will have a more yellowish color to the leaf.

How should fresh kratom leaf be stored?

Each fresh leaf is picked to ship.  For the Freshness we recommend you select 2 day shipping. Your leaf will keep for around five to seven days in the fridge or three to four days at room temperature in a sealed bag. Leaf can be air dried to preserve the leaf at which point it can be stored like your typical leaf or powder.

How do you ship fresh kratom leaf in the mail?

In this video you can see the what it takes to ship fresh kratom leaf in the mail.
  1. Lindsay
    5 out of 5

    (verified owner) โ€“ :

    This is an awesome way to consume Kratom! It is a little bit of a different feeling (better). The leaves came perfect, not crammed into a package and were so supple and beautiful!

  2. Mike
    5 out of 5

    (verified owner) โ€“ :

    If you are a Kratom consumer and havenโ€™t tried eating fresh leaves you are really missing out. At first I was a bit skeptical, because there isnโ€™t a lot of good information out there on it (likely, because most fresh leaves can only be found in Indonesia) but they are by far more euphoric and energetic that most Kratom powder.

    After ordering, the leaves arrived within a couple days,, super fresh with a bright emerald green color. The leaves have a bit of a numbing quality to them, and are felt almost instantly. They also work extremely well in addition to regular Kratom powder and have a really elevating quality to them. As you can tell, Iโ€™m more than happy with the overall quality of the leaves. There is nothing like fresh Kratom ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Kevin

    โ€“ :

    Thank you for sharing your time and knowledge. Much appreciated. I really dig the passion, care for the plants and customer service.

    I sat with the pink vein. 2 small and one large leaf. Itโ€™s very gentle and functional.The fresh leaf experience is definitely more aligned with my preferences.

    Glad I found your site!

  4. PatrickC
    5 out of 5

    (verified owner) โ€“ :

    After 32 years of pain, I have finally found relief with out the zombie medications. It has taken me over a week to work out what works for me, but it is as different as night and day. I started out with one leaf per day, then two, then three and found my comfort level. It doesnโ€™t last all day, usually 4-6 hours, but I can walk again and have a little bit of energy to get me going in the morning. ,

  5. Jcole20

    โ€“ :

    Thank you. I ordered 30 fresh leaves and am very happy with what came in the mail. A few extra were thrown in either accidentally or to make up for some smaller ones in the batch but regardless more than happy. As someone who eats / makes tea with approximately 5-10g per dose approximately 4-5 leaves chewed the traditional way (vein removed and tucked in cheek) has been enough to equal this. Taste is a lot better fresh too. This is what to expect as far as size.

    Thanks again

  6. Patrick Cambell

    (verified owner) โ€“ :

    So I had a strange experience this morning. Normally I wake up early. It doesnโ€™t matter what time I go to bed. 10pm is usually best because I always wake up at 5 or 5:30am and then go back to sleep around 8am for what I call a second sleep. Usually only about 30-45 minutes. Then I have to get back up because Iโ€™m unable to get in to that deep sleep/REM.

    This morning, I laid back down and slept for over 2 hours, more like 2 1/2 hours.

    I was in a really deep sleep and woke up because the sun started to break through the cracks of my black out blind. I would have continued sleeping if it werenโ€™t for the phone ringing.

    I was completely recharged, I donโ€™t normally get this sort of extra deep sleep. Iโ€™m usually sleepy during the day because I never get to fully experience a good night sleep.

    The pain is still the same level, around a 3. I am experiencing some minor pain walking up the stairs, but for one leaf Iโ€™m amazed at the positive experience.

  7. Patrick Cambell

    โ€“ :

    This morning I chewed one leaf and smothered it in honey. It was very bitter but the honey helped. I deveined the leaf and I spit out the paste. Pain level was around a 8

    After ten minutes I noticed a bit of pain relief. My ability to stand up and move around improved. There was no high or buzz. It was a mild relief from pain. Pain level was around a 5.

    After thirty minutes there was a definite improvement over the pain. It was like night and day. However I never experienced any stimulant feeling. I didnโ€™t have any extra energy. Pain level was 3.

    After an hour, there was still an improvement in pain relief, but certain parts of my body had a reduced pain. My hands and feet still had pain, but it was reduced. Pain was 2.

    Overall Iโ€™m happy with the results from one leaf. I will maintain this for the next few hours to see how long the relief continues from the one leaf.

    I would describe the changes in my pain as a definite improvement.

  8. Lisa Addison

    โ€“ :

    My dear friend Walter Pervis brought me fresh kray-tea leaves & fresh Hirsuta. OMG. If you like to chew fresh leaf, you gotta get some! If you like to take fresh leaf and dry it out to steep for tea, you gotta get some! His fresh leaf is amazing!!!
    Lisa Addison owner of Cactus Jacks Botanicals 

  9. Connor Atwood

    โ€“ :

    Finally, Kratom that is FRESH & Mature! So some backgrounds history, I love the idea of kratom, and loved the one amazing experience Iโ€™ve had with this plant a long time ago. That being said, I now know why the full leaf is chewed in counties where this plant is native. I have tried hundreds of strains, vendors, shots, extracts, tolerance breaksโ€ฆ you name it. No luck. Today I received a few fresh leaves to chew, they are raw not dried. I tried one leaf to see the taste and BAM 3 minutes of chewing and there she is, the elusive, much mature and extremely euphoric sense of well being I have been missing for so long. I have severe back pain due to a slipped disk, which I would never know about now that I canโ€™t feel my pain, only a warm and cozy blanket of Raw kratom leaf effects. Try some, if you are in the USA and want to get some real, raw, and just picked Kratom leaves that pack a huge punch, You can from a company in Florida who grows mature trees in the humid weather perfect for just that. There is only one company that grows and sells full raw leaf right now so go ahead and look for yourself, youโ€™ll thank me for the tip on Kratomleaf.Us

  10. Daniel Young

    โ€“ :

    Loved the fresh leaves, grabbed about 6 of those suckers and chewed on them for about 20 minutes, totally different in a good way, very clean. I did find it took at least 10 leaves to feel comparable to the 6 grams of powdered tea I take usually but they also have their own unique experiences. Not sure what I can say so stop me if I go too far but I do find the fresh leaf helps me stay very clear headed while being able to relax and it has helped with sleep. I have horrible insomnia and refuse to take pharmaceuticals these days so this was a unique surprise to be able to have some aid in that department. 

    After my first go around I decided to try the sugar method which was much better tasting. Also dipped some in honey to preserve them and that was even better tasting.

  11. Brenda

    โ€“ :

    Its was very good, thank you, and useful! And the raw sugar is a perfect way to make chewing enjoyable. Better still, Iโ€™ve had a dry cough recently thatโ€™s caused a sore throat, and a leaf or two โ€“ especially with honey โ€“ was a great temporary remedy. Best cough drops Iโ€™ve ever had โ€“ lol. Thanks for the work you do ๐Ÿ‘

  12. Crystal Rodgers

    โ€“ :

    I had 1 with honey. Chewed upโ€ฆโ€ฆ definitely never chewing more than 1 at a time Immediately felt it. Iโ€™m still feeling it! Itโ€™s been over 3 hrs. I hope everyone can try fresh leaf! Itโ€™s wild. I have a pretty high tolerance too. I was shocked Ive ordered more organic honey from Amazon to keep all these leaves. Didnโ€™t really think that through ordering 30 tea leaves

  13. TC

    โ€“ :

    Great kratom and more importantly great customer service. Fresh kratom leafs is something everyone should try. I will be a returning customer.

  14. xlDirteDeedslx

    โ€“ :

    Your stuff is fantastic. I recently bought your Green Indo Premium Kilo and 15 fresh leaf bundle. The green Indo is phenomenal quality Kratom like I havenโ€™t had in ages. The fresh Kratom leaf was FAR more potent than I expected as well. I chewed 2 leaves and it laid me completely out after a long work week. I took the green Indo after waking up and it has me feeling warm and fuzzy and energetic all over, love it. Iโ€™m absolutely blown away at how potent this stuff is.

    I had a regular Kratom vendor for around the first 3 years I took it. The vendor was Kraydo and his Green Asia was absolute fire. I could take a teaspoon morning, noon, and night and it would wire me to the gills, put me in a great mood, and relieve pain as well. Basically all the things you need when you are middle aged and working hard. Then all the sudden one day I ordered a Kilo and it wasnโ€™t the same stuff. He either switched sources or substituted something else and I could immediately tell by the taste and smell. Since then I have yet to find green Kratom of that potency until I got yours. I really appreciate for being a great vendor and your work in Kratom advocacy.

  15. Kenny Rossi

    โ€“ :

    I have been taking kratom for over two years and i reached out to walter from because i live in central florida and was searching for a company that is local or even in the united states which sells raw and dry crushed leafโ€ฆ walter respond in a very timely manner and was extremely helpful and knowledgeable . is a company that self funded nursery and what that says to me is they take pride in their product.. this is not the gas station batch of kratom you will be buying, you will instantly be able to tell when you open the package.. the smell, the taste and the look is nothing like the dirt that most places pass of as kratom.. the color is a dead giveaway. is fresh and a beautiful green color compared to the dirty puke brown i was used to,, almost comparable to sewer water brownโ€ฆ.  my experience was as follows: dumped a half sugar pack into one raw leaf and folded up to chew in mouth.. once i did this i then got out a french press and put 2.5 grams of dried crush leaf in the bottom. i boiled water not too too hot but right when it starts to boil i poured it in the french pressโ€ฆ i chewed the raw leaf for ten minutes and spit it out and put in another raw leaf as i waited for my tea.. 20 minutes in i felt a warm feeling come over my body and i began to get erergy. i began doing chores around the house, dishes, laundry and realized it had been about 40 minutes since i started my teaโ€ฆ i waited five more minutesd and poured the tea on ice and put some red koolaid squeezer in with a squeeze of lemon wich i find citric acid to really help unluck all the wonderful alkaloids this amazing plant contains.. i began sipping my brew and halfway through my back pain began to subside until completely goneโ€ฆ the tea actually lasted me the rest of the night as opposed to having to gulp down kratom powder that reminds me of mud every 4 hoursโ€ฆ it was very pleasant. better then the kratom drinks i pay much more for at the barโ€ฆ i actually was able to make another tea in the morning out of the same leaf i already used the night before.i threw maybe another gram in and the same french press and i realized this is much more economical than going to the smoke shops ands gas stations.. also many products from over seas do not get tested and do not have fda regulations. not really even sure how old some stuff i bought was, but from it is always fresh!!!!
    id like to thank all the people involved with the small self sustaining kratom farm!!!!!!!!!!!!  i will be purchasing from you guys from now on, there is no comparison in quality hands down!!!!!!!!!

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