Kratom Post-harvest Production
Kratom Post-harvest Production – Once the leaves of the kratom plant have reached an ideal maturity, they’re picked or collected in large quantities. The freshness of the leaves plays a vital role in how kratom is made, as it alters the phytochemical concentrations that are responsible for the plant’s characteristics. For instance, red kratom strains typically consist of mature leaves, while white and green kratom strains are generally produced using younger leaves.
To create kratom powder, the leaves of the mitragyna speciosa plant undergo a drying phase in the sun or the shade. Different powders can be produced depending on the length and specifications of this drying or “curing” process. Once the leaves have been dried, they’re subsequently shredded or ground into a fine consistency. Later, an industrial grinder is used to produce an even finer mitragyna speciosa powder with the texture of flour – a fundamental step in the process of how kratom is made. Although kratom is typically dried in the sun using large-sized racks, some kratom farmers rely on additional production and processing methods to create specialty kratom strains that are often popular with online buyers.