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Seeds in wv ?

I live in wv kratom is legally allowed I think they changed the laws as far as being able to buy kratom from anywhere but a head shop ? But I’d like to find some seeds and start growing ? 


Surprise Owl Visit at the Kratom Nursery!

Surprise Owl Visit at the Kratom Nursery!


Kratom prices

I’d like to see your kratom for sale


New growth🤨

New growth has the wrong color on one of my plants. I fertilize them all the same. I planted them all in the same soil. I've been using fish emulsion, Miracle-Gro and Epsom salt for fertilizer. They really seem to do really well with the Epsom salts! I will try and add a few pictures but I know recently that is not been working. Maybe I can add some Google photos links I will try that.

The first one is what they should look like for new growth.

The second one is almost yellow in color. Epsom salts should change this.

The third one is a picture of the growth. There's a lot of older which you will see is nice and green. At the tips it's yellowish. It doesn't seem to change to Green no matter how much fertilizer or Epsom salts I use. I have had to chop a lot of the new growth off because of this.

Does anyone have any pointers to help me? Look forward to your thoughts.



we've all had to deal with ye

we've all had to deal with yellowing leaves. Well I finally found a solution. You can see the yellow leaves with green veins and then the new growth which is the lovely deep green we all desire. This was accomplished by my new secret weapon, ammonium sulfate. Which has an NPK number of 21-0-0 this is a 7ft tree and I sprinkled 3 tablespoons ammonium sulfate around it halfway between the trunk and the drip line. As you can see the new growth now looks like it's supposed to. I'm in the middle of trying this on some javanika and I expect the same results


Kratom trees for sale Tampa area

I'v had these plants a few years now. If anybody's looking for one and you're in the Tampa Bay area reach out to me. I plan on keeping two but letting two go. They're getting big they're between 5 to 7 ft high and very bushy. I have them in 10 gallon grow bags. I water these daily, fertilize once approximately every two weeks. I used everything from fish emulsion, Epsom salts and they had a stint of Miracle Grow a few months back. I can't seem to add pictures for some reason. I tried a little icon with the pictures but it's just not uploading them. If you have interest send me a message and I'll send you a few pictures. I'm adding a link since I can't figure out how to add the pictures.


Hey all,

I'v had these plants a few years now. If anybody's looking for one and you're in the Tampa Bay area reach out to me. I plan on keeping two but letting two go. They're getting big they're between 5 to 7 ft high and very bushy. I have them in 10 gallon grow bags. I water these daily, fertilize once approximately every two weeks. I used everything from fish emulsion, Epsom salts and they had a stint of Miracle Grow a few months back. I can't seem to add pictures for some reason. I tried a little icon with the pictures but it's just not uploading them. If you have interest send me a message and I'll send you a few pictures. I'm adding a link since I can't figure out how to add the pictures.


Kratom fertilizer

I'm just curious if anyone has discovered a specific fertilizer or ratio that send to be the best with kratom specifically. Also, if be really interested to hear ideas about how to keep my trees warm in the greenhouse this winter. Anybody have any good ideas? I wish I could find a good solar heater that was halfway affordable but I haven't seen one. May just have to use a little wood stove piped it the top of the greenhouse or else two or three heat lamps hanging down. It's 20 x 10, the girls are in the ground, all one half of it mostly.



Howdy all! Anyone have any fresh seeds they are willing to part with (sell)? Thanks! 


Not to happy plants!

A couple of my plants are not happy. They are coming back tho! I've just been using fish emulsion for fertilizer. Does anyone else suggest anything? I've read about Epsom salts but I just haven't gotten around to it yet. After I replanted into bigger grow bags, 3 caught some type of aphid.  I used the same soil mix on all of the bags. it consisted of black cow, perlite, sphagnum Moss, earthworm castings and just a plain garden mix. 


Tree trimming time...

How far back do you trim your trees?  I think we're done getting freezes here in Florida




Proof chemotypes rule

Is a Peer reviewed study of some US grown plants Proving that it's genetics that are the key. High Alkaloid content at 6 months.


Scale disaster! Help!!!

I have had a few kratom trees for several years now, I have a large bumblebee that’s about 6 feet tall and 2 green Malay that are about 3.5 and 4.5 feet tall. My bumblebee is great and healthy, it transitions well to the seasonal changes here in Virginia and I never have any problems with it. My Malay’s always seemed a little finicky and would go from super healthy to dropping off most of the leaves in a short time. I finally figured out that the two of them are infested with scale bugs. I have been treating them now for several weeks and they are still alive but the smaller one has no leaves left and the bigger one has very little leaves. I have been rotating between neem oil, Dr.Earth final stop spray, insecticidal soap, rubbing alcohol and have been picking the bugs off by hand. I also replaced the top 1/3 of the soil with new soil. Does anyone have any advice or suggestions I can try? I really want these to survive because I grew them from seeds so I will try anything. Thanks everybody 🙂


Replanting in bigger grow bags.

Today was a beautiful day outside a little warm tho! Decided it was time to replant my kratom from 5 gallon grow bags to 10. I used a mix of worm casting, pearlite, cow manure compost, garden soil and topsoil. These babies like to eat so I gave them all a dose of fish emulsion also. 

The rooting system of these plants was VERY tough to remove from the grow bags( have a total of 5 plants). Had to split the grow bags into 4 peices to remove the plant and roots safely. 

I got these last year, they were less than a foot tall and SMALL! They are really enjoying the warm weather in Florida for sure. They pack a wallop if you eat them off the plant. 


Happy holidays

What you all up to today? What are you burning!? 


Some new genetics

Have some new genetics to add to my little farm. One from the mempawa region of Indonesia And 2 others from the lake sentarum Borneo region.  Can't wait till they're big enough to start taking some clones.


Significant limb damage

I have no idea what's going on here.. It's the only tree that's doing it, it is 9' tall and well established.  The split is on the top side of the branch. I don't think the freeze did it since none of the other trees are exhibiting this. any ideas  Or what I should do now? 



Ruskin Florida. Winter has hit us.

So we've been sick in our house for a little over a week now. I haven't felt like messing with my poor plants. I go out today to look at them and it's not good. I have picked all of the sad leaves off. What should I do with them? I was thinking about making a tea but I was afraid the heat would kill the alkaloids. Anybody have any thoughts?


Are we really growing Kratom?

I’ve recently seen a few posts on some of the Kratom related Reddit forums discussing whether or not most of the Kratom plants grown in the US are actually Mitragyna speciosa, as opposed to other species of the Mitragyna genus. 

For years I’ve assumed that my Rifat tree was a true Kratom plant. Most Kratom pics I saw looked similar to mine and were identified as Rifat or (less commonly) Bumblebee. Some of the larger Kratom tree sellers claim that they offer other types (Malay, Green Thai, Vietnam, etc.) but even those all look suspiciously like my Rifat. And all claimed to be Kratom.

I started looking for pics of other Mitragyna species and the one that most closely matches my “Rifat” is not Mitragyna speciosa, but Mitragyna tubulosa.

When I looked at the gallery in the Wikipedia link every image looked like it could have been taken from my tree.

And this tree isn’t even from Indonesia, but from India.

To add to the confusion, the picture shown in the Wikipedia entry for Mitragyna speciosa also looks like this one. But, they have a different image further down that looks very different. The leaves from that image look exactly the same as the leaves on my West Kali plant. I’m 99.9% sure that the West Kali is a true Kratom plant.

One redditor posted the results of a chromatography experiment that he claims shows Rifat plants contain no mitragynine. This would also indicate the Rifat’s are not true Kratom plants since Mitragyna speciosa is the only species that contains it.

On the bright side, all Mitragyna species contain a number of alkaloids including analgesic ones so they are useful. But are the ones commonly grown here true Kratom? A couple of years ago I would have considered that a silly question, but now I’m honestly not sure.

Here are a few links describing so if the other species in the Mitragyna genus.


How’d all the Floridians make out today

That was some nasty weather that came across the state.

Wind didn’t bother my little ones too much. Hopefully they’ll be ok with the cold weather that’s coming behind this storm.


Winter Ruskin Florida

My poor babies are not enjoying the weather. We hit 49 a few nights ago. I did have them covered with an old school lightbulb on underneath. They are not happy. But they are still alive and the fresh leaves are amazingly strong. The plant all the way on the left as you can tell got the coldest of the group. The leaves are turning and some have brown spots but the new growth is really amazing. I am going to maybe prune is back a bit. Get rid of the spots. It's getting warm again.


Sourcing in Florida

Hey all, I'm new here. Hoping I'm posting in the right place. I'm located in Venice, Florida and looking for someone within an hour or two that I can get some clones or root cuttings from. Thanks all!


Winter harvest? Thoughts?

Is there a general consensus as far as harvesting the leaves before they fall in the Winter?  I always hate seeing them fall off at this time of year. So I started picking the ones that had yellowed or have yellow on them and easily came off the tree.  are these potentially weaker, stronger or no difference at all? How about harvesting while the tree is blooming?? I notice on the limbs that are blooming the leaves are much smaller.



Leaves curling Browning and falling off

Leaves look like they're drying out and curling at the edges. It looks like it's not getting enough water but it's on a Once A-day regular watering schedule and the ground around it is definitely damp. Any ideas.  This was the 7 footer cut down to 2" from the fire blight disease. I see no evidence of that on the tree





New Video of moving American kratom tree coming!

New Video of moving American kratom tree coming!


New Video of moving American kratom tree coming!…atom-tree-coming/


Well....... It has been one hell of a month. I'm sorry for being so busy guys. I wanted to give a shout out to @peteypyro!!!! We got to hang out last week and came home with 2 of his trees. Had to make 2 separate trips. And what a adventure. We barley got the second one in the van. And took me about 4 hour drive each way. so 16 hours of driving all together. On the first day I met this lady who was selling several trees out on her front lawn. She did not really speak english but was ecstatic to see @peteypyro's tree in the car! She was running around the car taking pictures to show her daughter. I gave her some cuttings and some fresh leaf form our trees. It was absolutely adorable. I love it when I meet other passionate growers who really care about these trees. This was one of the best trips I have had so far. 


Finally blooming

After 4+ years I have my first blooms coming into play and on two of my oldest trees. I have a feeling it's because I gave them a dose of nitrogen


Kratom Turning Black With Spots of Mold

Hi, there!

I got my first kratom tree this year, she was quite small when I got her. She was very healthy. I'm in the Southern hemisphere in South Africa and we are now in the middle of winter where we have an average of 7 celsius. I originally had her growing in a small greenhouse tent and things were going great, but it is now way too windy and had to remove her from it. Her leaves started falling off which I attribute to the drop in humidity. The scary part is that the top part is going black. There are spots of fuzzy mould on her, I have no idea what type it is or if its what is causing the damage. I have now snipped off most of the black part which I perceived to be dead.

Can someone please advise what to do? Should I bring her at night? Should I spray with hydrogen peroxide? Should I cut off more?

Thanks in advance!


Why Do I keep running into weird stuff

Here are a pair of twins they were clone from the same tree at the same time (about 2 years) and they were exactly the same up until the last couple months. Now the one on the right is losing leaves and has bark splitting at its base.. Overall it looks frail and weak weak.

 The other one on the left is doing great but the weird thing about that one is it has 1  Flower. Nowhere else on the tree are there any buds just one lonely single flower.

What the hell man.


Cut a 7 foot tree to 2 inches

This was one of two trees that had fire blight. Killed the first one but the second one look like it was surviving it. I thought about keeping it to see if it would make it, but I was afraid it could spread to the other trees. Should be an interesting experiment to see what the tree does.

This is what fireblight looks like. Well at least that's what I currently believe it is until I learned otherwise.



Broken branch repair

My container trees have been tipping and I’m starting to get a lot of broken branches. Sometimes the break is near the branch tip which if fine since it will keep growing. But some branches end up splitting like this one. 

I hate to lose an entire branch so I’ve started using electric tape to mend the break.  Basically I just line it up as best I can and then wrap the tape around fairly tightly. The tape is flexible enough to give a little as the branch heals and grows. 

I’ve done this a few times and so far all the repaired branches seem to be fine. No browning leaves and tips still producing.

If this branch survives I’ll post another pic when it’s time to remove the tape.


End of Summer Clones

Picked up a Super Sprouter propagation kit last month and started a new batch of clones.

Pretty much the same technique I’ve been using - Start with a healthy tip.

Strip off all the leaves except the top two and snip most of those to reduce transpiration. Then make a clean 45 degree cut below the bottom node.

Dip the stem in rooting hormone. I prefer the gel type over the powdered ones, seems to stick better.

And then carefully push the stem into the growing medium. I used peat plugs that were soaked in water that was pH’ed to around 5.5 and had a little SuperThrive added.

This year I kept them inside where the temperature stayed right around 80 degrees under the dome, and kept the light that came with the propagation kit on 24x7. Also made sure that the plugs stayed moist, but not sitting in water. Humidity mostly stayed in the 90’s.  

They started sprouting roots right at three weeks.

Over the next few weeks I’d move the ones with roots into small pots filled with perlite and Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil.

We've had torrential rain in South Florida and I lost a few to rot. Next time I’ll keep them covered until they get bigger. Probably end up with about half of what I started with.

Some of them are from my one year old West Kali seedlings (the two on the right)

And the rest are from my two year old Rifat that’s just finishing up flowering.

Now comes the hard part, figuring out what to do with them.


Picking A 10ft kratom tree before transport.

Picking a 10ft kratom tree before transport

We are picking this 2 year old 10ft tall kratom tree before we transport it. We do this so that the leaf does not get damaged during transport. 40mph winds can damage kratom leaf. It is best to wrap them up if you can. You can see us drive the tree here: and you can see the tree vertical where I failed to move it here: . This tree is one of 3 that we have to move and I will post the other moves when I film them. Thank you to Joshua for helping me out.



Status Update! We got the kratom tree moved. Met someone with a engine lift and we lifted it off of the ground. We still had to drag it to the truck but we got it moved.

Status Update! We got the kratom tree moved. Met someone with a engine lift and we lifted it off of the ground. We still had to drag it to the truck but we got it moved.


Customer review or! is an excellent company. Their customer service is the best I’ve seen in a long time out of any company with similar offerings, and actually compared to any company I’ve ordered online from for that matter. They are very kind, communicative, and helpful.  You can tell they truly care about what they offer and stand tall 100% behind their products. They have a lot of heart and truly put their great energy into this. Although I haven’t  been able to order every product they offer, I would confidently recommend them over any company in the USA that provides these alternative plant medicines. The real medicines.
-Caleb van Gelder


Failed kratom tree pick up

I tried picking up this kratom tree today but I physically could not get it off the ground. Not even a inch. Anyone have any suggestions on how it could be moved?


Watering questions?

I have some 3 month old kratom cuttings.  I have a moisture  meter and 4 days after watering the top half is 4/10 moisture(fairly dry feeling) but the bottom half is still like 9 of 10.  Is it common to only need watering once a week if grown indoors under led?  Or do I go ahead and water and leave the bottom constantly  very wet? I don't want rot issues.

Pot has good drainage and mix is ocean forest with maybe 15 to 20 percent added perlite. 


Kratom alley

need to do some pruning on some of these so they bush out a little bit more


Kratom disease identification

I've lost one tree to this disease whatever it may be.

And I have another that is in the process of dying. It seems to die from the end of the branches inward one branch at a time.

It seems to be attacking the bark or that layer between the bark and the tree not really sure. The bark splits and looks like it's eating away.

I should note that I had a Japanese plum we're also called a loquat tree in this spot that died a few years ago from what look like to be the same shit. Up to this point I've tried everything I could think of as far as sprays and now I'm just letting it go to see if this one happens to survive. It does manage to produce a new growth in spots. Any input?



Grasshopper had too much Kratom

The big guy hasn't moved anything other than his antenna.


Huge leaves

one of my Kratom trees which is 4 years old started producing these giant leaves. They sure are beautiful

Another tree which is a little over a year old also started developing larger leaves


Kratom growers Facebook group.

Hello. I created a Facebook group for kratom growers just wanted to invite you all to it 🙂.
