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Kratom keychain by winter waterfall

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Kratom keychain by winter waterfall

Kratom keychain by winter waterfall – As our past work as shown, our team has been working for the past 10 years on growing, cultivating, and making our kratom trees available to the American public. Besides being the owner of a American kratom nursery, Will played a important roll in American kratom advocacy as he was one of the original founders and CTO (Chief Technology Officer) of the AKA (American Kratom Association) and has played a intrugal part of why American Kratom is legal and available to the majority of the United States of America to this day. With this dedication and focus we are excited to announce our newest project is developing the popular #kratomapp Kratom Watch Dog. Kratom Watch Dog is a free and open social media with a focus of kratom advocacy.

We ask that if your able to help, that you donate to support the growth of the #kratomapp Kratom Watch Dog as well as help fund our other kratom related projects, we appreciate any help you can give.

Kratom keychain by winter waterfall

What will your donation go towards?

Helping fund the further development of the #kratomapp kratomwatchdog

1. Free & Open Kratom Community available on iOS, Android, and web.
2. Build out open vendor database
3. Build new features into the kratom app (see our road map here).
4. Extensive photography, documentation, and videos of our American Kratom nursery
5. Advocacy Alerts, legality map, and legislator contacts based on GPS location.
6. Constant live stream of flowering mature American Kratom trees built into the app.

Our gift to you

Kratom keychain by winter waterfall – Ever wish you could carry a little bit of kratom wherever you go? Next time your loved ones ask what Kratom is? You can show them the truth, it’s a tree. Well, we wanted to give back to the people who are generous enough to help us with our goals as well as put kratom into as many peoples hands as possible. That is why we will send anyone who donates will receive as our gift a hand made American Kratom Keychain.

Grown in the perfect environment in the United States to display in a encased plastic keychain you cant take with you on your personal life’s journey. Each individual kratom keychain are completely unique holding it’s form for up to a year. Some have even gone longer (depending on UV exposure, humidity etc).


Why did we create Kratom Watch Dog?

Kratom keychain by winter waterfall – Over the past few years, we have noticed a disturbing trend with the major social media and tech companies like Google, Facebook, Reddit, and Twitter. These major social media companies for years have been censoring your right to free speech by making it hard for users to talk at all about kratom. They use a tactic called shadow banning.

Shadow banning is the act of blocking or partially blocking a user or their content from an online community such that it will not be readily apparent to the user that they or the content have been banned. This tactic is put in place so that their users do not actually get to read about kratom.

We need your help. American Grown Kratom is under attack. Dismiss