The use of kratom goes back several thousand years, but it was first formally documented growing abundantly in Thailand by Dutch botanist Pieter Willem Korthals in the early 19th century.

While the birthplace of Mitragyna Speciosa is unknown,  it has flourished abundantly in Southeast Asia and Indochina — growing naturally in regions such as:

  • Thailand
  • Indonesia
    • Sumatra
    • Bali
    • Java
    • The Sunda Isles
    • Borneo
  • Malaysia

As a result of adapting to these different climates and regions, this plant has evolved and diverged into a variety of strains and vein types, each of which vary in both in effects and potency; it is these differences that have made kratom such an incredibly versatile plant. Further on, we will cover these strain differences at length to give you a strong understanding of the varied uses, effects, and potential applications of this unique plant.