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Kratom And God – Angles born from Kratom Seed

Kratom and God – Disappointment is inevitable. But to become discouraged, there’s a choice I make. God would never discourage me. He would always point me to himself to trust him. Therefore, my discouragement is from Satan. As you go through the emotions that we have, hostility is not from God, bitterness, unforgiveness, all of these are attacks from Satan.

The Bible tells us that God will meet all our needs. He feeds the birds of the air and clothes the grass with the splendor of lilies. How much more, then, will He care for us, who are made in His image? Our only concern is to obey the heavenly Father and leave the consequences to Him.

Kratom And God - Angles born from Kratom Seed -

1. God never ends anything on a negative; God always ends on a positive.

2. God doesn’t give you what you want… He creates the opportunity for us to do so.

3. God is our refuge and strength. A very present help in trouble, therefore we will not fear.

4. He who says I’m alone… had never listened to God who is always with him.

5. Don’t forget to pray today, because God didn’t forget to wake you up this morning.

6. God can turn water into wine, but he can’t turn your whining into anything.

7. God, as Truth, has been for me a treasure beyond price. May He be so to every one of us.

8. God is always with you… You just need to pay attention.

9. Don’t tell your God how big your storm is, tell your storm how big your God is.

10. You may feel lost and alone, but God knows exactly where you are, and He has a good plan for your life.

May you have a blessed day. Find peace and serenity. You can try fresh kratom leaf from trees grown in the United States. 
