Break down fertilized Kratom Flower

Break down fertilized Kratom Flower
Break down fertilized Kratom Flower
Since the viability rate of the fresh seeds is about 20% while that of not-so-fresh seeds is about 10%, you can plant about 5 to 10 seeds per pot. Since the seeds are so light, there is a good probability that they will pollinate in the nearby region instead, as they can be easily blown away with the wind and be dropped at a place in the surrounding.
Tips for planting your kratom seeds:
- Choose a perfect spot. Favorably an area that is moist, fertile and with a good drainage.
- Light conditions just as in tropical rain forests. The area should get sufficient sunlight to give the seeds the warmth it needs to thrive. But not too sunny, which can result into drying of soil.
- Drop about 5-10 seeds in the pot. Make sure you have identified what the actual seed looks like. Many times kratom seeds are mistaken for the part of the seed pod when in fact the kratom seed is very tiny.
- Cover it with a thin layer of fertile soil
- Sprinkle water regularly
- A gentle breeze is said to enhance the alkaloid production in the plant and so it is recommended to find a spot which gets considerable amount of breeze. And if not, one can use a fan to produce a light breeze.
- Be sure to provide the seeds with an appropriate amount of fertilizer and plant food regularly, especially during the early phase.
Kratomâs pain-killing effects are very pronounced, and are much more effective than OTC substances when dealing with chronic pain. It is these potent pain-killing effects that have allowed many to become entirely pharmaceutical free (an inspiringly common event within the kratom community).
As public awareness increases and fear-mongering and outright disinformation dissipate, you can expect to see this plant as a commonplace alternative to riskier treatments.
Thanks the the information, too much lousy data to wade through. Glad I have been educated!
Well thanks Joe!