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Pulling Kratom Tree out of a car and inspecting it


Pulling Kratom Tree out of a car and inspecting it

Pulling Kratom Tree out of a car and inspecting it – Our very finest product is our whole kratom leaf that is grown in naturally in the USA. Each fresh leaf is equal to around .8 or 1.2g of dried leaf. Each leaf is picked to ship, for freshness we recommend you select 2day shipping. Your leaf will keep for around eight days in the fridge or 3 – 4 days at room temperature in a sealed bag. Can be air dried to preserve the leaf at which point it can be stored like your typical Kratom leaf or powder. Whole kratom leaf is only available when the trees are flowering, and all of our leaf is picked from trees varying in age from 4 – 12 years old.

Buy American Kratom Leaf!

Pulling Kratom Tree out of a car and inspecting it

Kratom Leaf Vein Colors

Pulling Kratom Tree out of a car and inspecting it – The color of a kratom vein are determined by the content of mitragynine (alkaloids) in the vein. The purpose of producing mitragyna is to protect the tree from insects and animals from eating the leaf. It’s also a stress mechanism. The mitragyna is why the leaf is so bitter and correlates to strength. Strength also correlates to how mature the leaf is. The more mature the leaf the stronger it will be. When mature leaves mature the alkaloids are sucked back into the tree through the veins. These leaves will look more yellow. The Kratom Bible is also available here on the #kratomAPP

Buy American Kratom Leaf!

kratom cutting

The more alkaloids in the vein. The more red the vein will be. Purple at the high end of alkaloids. White at the low end of alkaloids. It is possible to see all vein colors grow at the same time on the same tree. (pink,red, purple) more near the bottom as that is where they have roots as that’s where most of the nutrients are. Up the tree will be more (greens and whites). They start getting more color variation the larger they get.

kratom leaf

In winter you see mostly white and green with some red. Spring, mostly green, white, some red, with pink starting to show up. In summer, Seed pod are poping up, you see green, white, pink, red, purple. This continues to happens thru Fall. We should note seed pods are best to pick off the tree in Jan – April. Kratom Vein colors usually have its darkest vein color at the exterior of the plant. Getting lighter as you go inward. But is harder to see in summer – fall as all colors are on the tree.

Buy American Kratom Leaf!

The Kratom Project

Pulling Kratom Tree out of a car and inspecting it – Our goal is to merge tech with kratom to document every single aspect of these amazing plant while we grow these magnificent We have taken kratom documentation to a new level and introduce “The Kratom Project”. On the #kratomAPP Kratom WatchDog we tracking our kratom nursery as well as uploading every single interaction our staff has with our fully mature organic American kratom tree nursery.  We track is how much and how often we water or fertilize. Furthermore, the growth with photos or video that were taken for the day that are also then accessible from that day on the Kratom Watch Dog in the Photos Section. Contact our team about “The Kratom Project”  and help make history. We appreciate the continued support from the kratom community.

Utilizing a technology called NFC. Near Field Communication, tags are small integrated circuits designed to store information that can be retrieved by NFC-enabled devices like smartphones and tablets. These small stickers of wireless technology can also allow data transfer between two NFC enabled devices.

The Kratom Bible is also available here on the #kratomAPP


The #KratomAPP

Join us on our #kratomAPP on KratomWatchDog We are a Kratom social network built from the ground up by one of the founding member of the non-profit American Kratom Association. We are a booming social community with a focus on kratom advocacy. You can also find us on our group on Facebook by looking up Kratom The Tree or email us at kozykratom@gmail.com We are more than happy to talk with you anytime, and share our experience.

Blue the pig helping out planting kratom trees


Blue the pig helping out planting kratom trees

Blue the pig helping out planting kratom trees – Our very finest product is our whole kratom leaf that is grown in naturally in the USA. Each fresh leaf is equal to around .8 or 1.2g of dried leaf. Each leaf is picked to ship, for freshness we recommend you select 2day shipping. Your leaf will keep for around eight days in the fridge or 3 – 4 days at room temperature in a sealed bag. Can be air dried to preserve the leaf at which point it can be stored like your typical Kratom leaf or powder. Whole kratom leaf is only available when the trees are flowering, and all of our leaf is picked from trees varying in age from 4 – 12 years old.

Buy American Kratom Leaf!

Kratom Watchdog

Kratom The Tree

Pulling Kratom Tree out of a car and inspecting it

Kratom Leaf Vein Colors

Pulling Kratom Tree out of a car and inspecting it – The color of a kratom vein are determined by the content of mitragynine (alkaloids) in the vein. The purpose of producing mitragyna is to protect the tree from insects and animals from eating the leaf. It’s also a stress mechanism. The mitragyna is why the leaf is so bitter and correlates to strength. Strength also correlates to how mature the leaf is. The more mature the leaf the stronger it will be. When mature leaves mature the alkaloids are sucked back into the tree through the veins. These leaves will look more yellow. The Kratom Bible is also available here on the #kratomAPP

Buy American Kratom Leaf!

kratom cutting

The more alkaloids in the vein. The more red the vein will be. Purple at the high end of alkaloids. White at the low end of alkaloids. It is possible to see all vein colors grow at the same time on the same tree. (pink,red, purple) more near the bottom as that is where they have roots as that’s where most of the nutrients are. Up the tree will be more (greens and whites). They start getting more color variation the larger they get.

kratom leaf

In winter you see mostly white and green with some red. Spring, mostly green, white, some red, with pink starting to show up. In summer, Seed pod are poping up, you see green, white, pink, red, purple. This continues to happens thru Fall. We should note seed pods are best to pick off the tree in Jan – April. Kratom Vein colors usually have its darkest vein color at the exterior of the plant. Getting lighter as you go inward. But is harder to see in summer – fall as all colors are on the tree.

Buy American Kratom Leaf!

The Kratom Project

Pulling Kratom Tree out of a car and inspecting it – Our goal is to merge tech with kratom to document every single aspect of these amazing plant while we grow these magnificent We have taken kratom documentation to a new level and introduce “The Kratom Project”. On the #kratomAPP Kratom WatchDog we tracking our kratom nursery as well as uploading every single interaction our staff has with our fully mature organic American kratom tree nursery.  We track is how much and how often we water or fertilize. Furthermore, the growth with photos or video that were taken for the day that are also then accessible from that day on the Kratom Watch Dog in the Photos Section. Contact our team about “The Kratom Project”  and help make history. We appreciate the continued support from the kratom community.

Utilizing a technology called NFC. Near Field Communication, tags are small integrated circuits designed to store information that can be retrieved by NFC-enabled devices like smartphones and tablets. These small stickers of wireless technology can also allow data transfer between two NFC enabled devices.

The Kratom Bible is also available here on the #kratomAPP


The #KratomAPP

Join us on our #kratomAPP on KratomWatchDog We are a Kratom social network built from the ground up by one of the founding member of the non-profit American Kratom Association. We are a booming social community with a focus on kratom advocacy. You can also find us on our group on Facebook by looking up Kratom The Tree or email us at kozykratom@gmail.com We are more than happy to talk with you anytime, and share our experience.

Majestic Kratom Seed Pods at dusk – Mature Kratom

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Majestic Kratom Seed Pods at dusk

Majestic Kratom Seed Pods at dusk- Mature Kratom. These seed pods are on a 11 year old American Grown Kratom Tree. If you would like to learn more check out our other videos. We have put out a lot of information on kratom seed pods specifically.

If you would like to buy some seed pods for yourself, you can on our sales site.

We are one of the few sources for American Kratom Seed that are available online that are actually fertile. Most kratom trees will not flower. And there is currently no direction on what makes a kratom tree flower. We have found the best way is by taking a cutting from a tree that is currently flowering or has the capacity to flower as we believe it is tied to something to do with the tree itself. You would assume that most seed pod development is seasonal. However, we have found in one particular tree that it has continued to flower for 5 years straight in multiple stages of development.

Majestic Kratom Seed Pods at dusk

read more →

Kratom powder gif 1


Kratom powder gif 1

Our very finest product is our whole kratom leaf that is grown in naturally in the USA. Each fresh leaf is equal to around .8 or 1.2g of dried leaf. Each leaf is picked to ship, for freshness we recommend you select 2day shipping. Your leaf will keep for around eight days in the fridge or 3 – 4 days at room temperature in a sealed bag. Can be air dried to preserve the leaf at which point it can be stored like your typical Kratom leaf or powder. Whole kratom leaf is only available when the trees are flowering, and all of our leaf is picked from trees varying in age from 4 – 12 years old.

Buy American Kratom Leaf!

Pulling Kratom Tree out of a car and inspecting it

Kratom Leaf Vein Colors

The color of a kratom vein are determined by the content of mitragynine (alkaloids) in the vein. The purpose of producing mitragyna is to protect the tree from insects and animals from eating the leaf. It’s also a stress mechanism. The mitragyna is why the leaf is so bitter and correlates to strength. Strength also correlates to how mature the leaf is. The more mature the leaf the stronger it will be. When mature leaves mature the alkaloids are sucked back into the tree through the veins. These leaves will look more yellow. The Kratom Bible is also available here on the #kratomAPP

Buy American Kratom Leaf!

kratom cutting

The more alkaloids in the vein. The more red the vein will be. Purple at the high end of alkaloids. White at the low end of alkaloids. It is possible to see all vein colors grow at the same time on the same tree. (pink,red, purple) more near the bottom as that is where they have roots as that’s where most of the nutrients are. Up the tree will be more (greens and whites). They start getting more color variation the larger they get.

kratom leaf

In winter you see mostly white and green with some red. Spring, mostly green, white, some red, with pink starting to show up. In summer, Seed pod are poping up, you see green, white, pink, red, purple. This continues to happens thru Fall. We should note seed pods are best to pick off the tree in Jan – April. Kratom Vein colors usually have its darkest vein color at the exterior of the plant. Getting lighter as you go inward. But is harder to see in summer – fall as all colors are on the tree.

Buy American Kratom Leaf!

The Kratom Project

Our goal is to merge tech with kratom to document every single aspect of these amazing plant while we grow these magnificent We have taken kratom documentation to a new level and introduce “The Kratom Project”. On the #kratomAPP Kratom WatchDog we tracking our kratom nursery as well as uploading every single interaction our staff has with our fully mature organic American kratom tree nursery.  We track is how much and how often we water or fertilize. Furthermore, the growth with photos or video that were taken for the day that are also then accessible from that day on the Kratom Watch Dog in the Photos Section. Contact our team about “The Kratom Project”  and help make history. We appreciate the continued support from the kratom community.

Utilizing a technology called NFC. Near Field Communication, tags are small integrated circuits designed to store information that can be retrieved by NFC-enabled devices like smartphones and tablets. These small stickers of wireless technology can also allow data transfer between two NFC enabled devices.

The Kratom Bible is also available here on the #kratomAPP

Kratom powder gif 1


The #KratomAPP

Join us on our #kratomAPP on KratomWatchDog We are a Kratom social network built from the ground up by one of the founding member of the non-profit American Kratom Association. We are a booming social community with a focus on kratom advocacy. You can also find us on our group on Facebook by looking up Kratom The Tree or email us at kozykratom@gmail.com We are more than happy to talk with you anytime, and share our experience.

Ruth Stout method on kratom tree – Planting Worms and husks


Ruth Stout method on kratom tree – Planting Worms and coconut husks

Ruth Stout method on kratom tree – Planting Worms and coconut husks- Our lush Kratom cuttings come from our organic American Kratom Nursery. As a U.S. kratom nursery we are focusing on growing kratom and advocacy. Our kratom co-op has a goal to help ensure American kratom as a main source for the United States. Each of our trees branches are pruned almost daily by our friendly staff.  We treat all of our kratom cuttings with the love and care they deserve.

The Kratom Bible is also available here on the #kratomAPP

You can try the leaf from the trees your very cutting came from right now.

How We Process Unrooted Kratom Cuttings

Ruth Stout method on kratom tree – Planting Worms and coconut husks – When we process our kratom cuttings we always follow the same process. First, we take the cutting off the tree and clean the nodes and extra leaf off of each cutting. It is important to note that kratom cuttings do not require leaf on the cutting to produce roots. In fact, having large leaf on a cutting can be  a disadvantage as leaf requires larger water consumption from the cutting. This is why we cut our leaf into a triangle shape.

The next step requires adding rooting hormone. We have found that the best way to ensure rooting is to use a lot of rooting hormone. As much as possible. We strive to ensure that each cutting has the highest success rate possible.  After adding rooting hormone the next step is to place the cutting in the soil medium. Weither it is peat pods, soil, or peet pods a good soil medium will be required to allow these plants to succeed. You can even grow these plants hydroponically, however we will be providing the rooting medium. If you are planning to grow hydroponically do add more rooting hormone after taking out of soil medium.

The Kratom Bible is also available here on the #kratomAPP

How high should the humidity be?

Ruth Stout method on kratom tree – Planting Worms and coconut husks – Lastly, we add the cutting to a plastic Zip Lock like bag or you can take them out and put them into a very large plastic container. Regardless of how you are rooting them you need to ensure that the plants are kept in high humidity at all times. Do not leave the cuttings out of the bag for more then 20 min at a time. These plants require 80 – 100% humidity at all times.

How long should I expect Shipping to take?

Ruth Stout method on kratom tree – Planting Worms and coconut husks – Unrooted kratom cuttings can be taken the same day they ship. All Kratom cuttings will only ship out Monday – Wednesday. Customers can select either 2 -day Priority USPS Mail or Expidited Shipping. Our friendly staff members will ship out your normally  by 2 pm. Each order will receive a notification and tracking number once the order goes out.

You can try the leaf from the trees your very cutting came from right now.

Setup instructions

It is important to note to make is: Do not grow these plants like other types of plants. For example these are not tomatoes and will not thrive in the same conditions tomatoes grow in. These Kratom cuttings are rain forest trees. Kratom trees require high heat, high humidity, and lots of water.

Please do your research and ask questions. A great resource to use is our #kratomAPP KratomWatchDog. 

One of our customers  did a walk through on how to root kratom cuttings we recommend you check it out.

The Kratom Bible is also available here on the #kratomAPP

For best results inflate the ziplock bag and place it under a strong indirect light source. We get decent results just relying on a South facing window but, see much better results under some sort of bright indirect light (LED, Fluro, HPS).

Kratom Cuttings

Lighting Options

Artificial lighting methods allow for quicker rooting. However a South facing window will suffice.

The Kratom Bible is available here on the #kratomAPP

How often should I water unrooted kratom cuttings?

Customers should  leave the plastic bag these cuttings come in sealed at all times they should not be releasing moisture. There should be no need to water these cuttings. In the event the soil medium begins to firm up it is advised to mist or pour a table spoon or two of water. The soil medium should always be moist to the touch at all times. Even one night of a dried up soil medium will kill a plant seeing as they are so young.

What happens if there is a issue with my order?

We guarantee to get to your cuttings to your door healthy and green. But, sometimes things can happen. If there is ever a issue with your order please contact our team immediately. We ask that you  email us at kozykratom@gmail.com it is helpful if you also include a photo of the situation.

The Kratom Bible is also available here on the #kratomAPP

Kratom project

The Kratom Project

Our goal is to merge tech with kratom to document every single aspect of these amazing plant while we grow these magnificent trees. We have taken kratom documentation to a new level and introduce “The Kratom Project”. On the #kratomAPP Kratom Watch Dog we tracking our kratom nursery as well as uploading every single interaction our staff has with our fully mature organic American kratom tree nursery.  We track is how much and how often we water or fertilize. Furthermore, the growth with photos or video that were taken for the day that are also then accessible from that day on the Kratom Watch Dog in the Kratom Photos Section.

Utilizing a technology called NFC. Near Field Communication, tags are small integrated circuits designed to store information that can be retrieved by NFC-enabled devices like the smartphones and tablets. These small stickers of wireless technology can also allow data transfer between two NFC enabled devices.

Contact our team about “The Kratom Project”  and help make history. We appreciate the continued support from the kratom community.


The Kratom Bible is also available here on the #kratomAPP

The #KratomAPP

Ruth Stout method on kratom tree – Planting Worms and coconut husks – Join us on our #kratomAPP on KratomWatchDog We are a Kratom social network built from the ground up by one of the founding member of the non-profit American Kratom Association. We are a booming social community with a focus on kratom advocacy. You can also find us on our group on Facebook by looking up Kratom The Tree or email us at kozykratom@gmail.com We are more than happy to talk with you anytime, and share our experience.

Ruth Stout method on kratom tree - Planting Worms and coconut husks

Kratom and Phenibut Combinations and Effects – Kratom Bibles


Effects of Kratom and Phenibut Combinations

Kratom and Phenibut combination is something that is trending these days! Do you want to be as calm as cradled child in dreamland slumber? Do you want to be as efficient as possible? Do you want to be euphoric? Do you want to socialize without any worry on mind? Do you want to enjoy every moment of your life? You are at the right avenue because we are going to explain all the beneficial effects of the Kratom and Phenibut mixture! It’s a dream combo.

Phenibut and Kratom combination is what you need today to forget all your worries and work efficiently. But of course, with every good comes something bad. We ask you to be cautious when it comes to regular consumption and amount of drug consumed. Have a look at these wonder drugs!

What is Phenibut?

Phenibut, chemically known as β-Phenyl-γ-aminobutyric acid is a drug that resembles a particular chemical in the human brain which is known as gamma-aminobutyric acid or GABA for short. This medication was first discovered in the Soviet Union during the 1960s.

Phenibut is used for various mental and emotional maladies. Most commonly it used as an anxiolytic drug. It also helps in improving sleep pattern, countering fear and stress. It is also utilized in the treatment regimen of alcoholism, stuttering, asthenia and vestibular disorders. It is more of a nutritional supplement, but it is not approved in the United States. However, in Russia, it is used as a psychotropic.

It is a central nervous system depressant and readily crosses blood-brain barrier due to the phenyl ring present in it. It also acts as an antagonist/blocker at of α2δ subunit-containing voltage-gated calcium channels.

phenibut-benefitsHow do Phenibut works?

It is interesting that many users give reviews that Phenibut helped them deal with anxiety and fear issues, but this drug, as Kratom has not been studied in detail. We do not have any academic papers written on this medication, however since it is similar to GABA, it acts on the GABA receptors in the brain. It is an agonist of the GABA receptor, and at higher doses, it also has an affinity for GABAA receptors.

According to Shulgina (1986) and Allikmets and Ryage (1983), Phenibut attaches to GABAA receptors eliciting responses like benzodiazepines and barbiturates. However, Lapin (2001) states otherwise.

It has nootropic effects, eliciting a tranquilizing effect, reduction in fear and anxiety, improvement in sleep pattern and enhancement of effects of narcotics and neuroleptics as well as Kratom. Anecdotal evidence suggests that Phenibut can induce euphoria by increasing the levels of dopamine in the striatum.

Why do people take Phenibut?

At higher does, you will sleep like a baby

According to users, when you take Phenibut at as high doses as 1000-2000 milligrams just an hour before sleeping, you will have a very peaceful sleep. Phenibut reduces the sleep induction time and increases the slow waves sleep period by reducing rapid eye movement sleep period. You will not experience a dream, tossing or turning around. You go into a state of deep sleep where disturbances like phone calls; door bells etc. won’t affect you. When you wake up, you feel rested and refreshed.

You will be more sexually aroused

An unexplained effect many users state they become more sensitized, and they have better orgasms. They are more aware of their body parts and the sense of touch after they take Phenibut. Thus their sexual experiences are more of fun!

It relieves anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder and alleviates fear and tension

Taking Phenibut will give you a sense of calmness that you have never experienced before. You will feel moderate to a drastic reduction in social or general anxiety disorders. You will prefer socializing and interacting with people. You will observe a sense of confidence while talking to people and doing day to day tasks.

Phenibut enhances the feeling of well-being, and you can even achieve euphoria by consuming a moderate dose of Phenibut. You will also feel an increase in alertness and improvement in cognitive processes. It also helps you retain memory and enhances your motivation.

Kratom and Phenibut combination

Kratom and Phenibut have certain similarities regarding the physical effects the two drugs produce, but the cognitive effects vary from person to person. If you combine Phenibut with Kratom, you will potentiate the effects of Kratom, and thus the effects will last longer. So when you are taking Phenibut and Kratom combination, bear in mind that you will have increased pain threshold, more sedating effects, and no anxiety.

Phenibut’s longevity and Kratom’s euphoria is something that people desire. Phenibut help extends the effects of Kratom. It energizes you when used in combination with Kratom; it makes you feel more active and optimistic.

Effects that you feel after Kratom Consumption

  • Euphoria
  • Mental stimulation
  • Analgesia
  • Mood-boost

Effects that you feel after Phenibut Consumption

  • Muscle Relaxation
  • Strong sense of calmness and well-being
  • Sedation

Phenibut and Kratom Effects at Different Doses

At high doses

High doses of Phenibut mean a dose above 2500mg. At this dose, you will experience extreme sedation, and you will go to a coma-like sleep.  Same is the case with Kratom. High doses of Kratom means between the ranges of 4.5-8 grams. If you consume such high doses, you will get sedated, and you might experience nausea and vomiting. It is however recommended to avoid such high doses as it leads to quick tolerance.

At medium doses

For Phenibut medium dose means something between 500mg to 1500mg. At this dose, you will experience the soothing and calming effect. You will forget your worries, and you will feel more enthusiastic and ecstatic. The moderate dose for Kratom is 2-4.5 grams. At moderate doses of kratom, you will experience more efficiency as it has a stimulatory effect.

At low doses

Small doses of Phenibut come in the category of 500mg and below. It is very likely that initially this amount will work for you and you will euphoric, but with more usage, you will find that you don’t experience anything at such small doses. Low dose for Kratom is 1-2grams. It acts as an analgesic at this dose and causes mild euphoria.

Maeng Da Kratom and Phenibut Combination

According to users on different drugs forum and Reddit, combining Maeng Dan ad Phenibut takes you to the next level. The optimal dosage to get the desired effects is somewhere between 1-1.5grams for Phenibut and 5-7.5grams for Maeng Da. Taking the combination on an empty stomach will result in effects within an hour. The results are totally amazing, and it makes you high.

The effects that you are likely to experience due to Maeng Da includes that you will get highly energetic. You will feel a sense of euphoria, and you will be more mentally alert and focused. It boosts mood and causes analgesia. Phenibut will soothe you and calm your agitated nerves. It will cause relaxation of the muscles. It will help you socialize better.

Red Kratom and Phenibut Combo

Red strains of Kratom are supposedly more sedating and relieving pain. Red Kratom and Phenibut combination will result in soothing effects as well as reduction of anxiety and stress.

Red kratom in a dosage of 6-7 grams and Phenibut in a dose of 1gram, will act as anxiolytic and give you a sense of calmness and well-being. Red Kratom tends to potentiate the effects of Phenibut thus combating general anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders, etc.

Phenibut and Kratom combination side effects

When you are taking Kratom and Phenibut combination, bear in mind you are dealing with two drugs that have consequences leading to dependence and tolerance. So if Phenibut acts by potentiating Kratom, it also elevates the risk of tolerance and dependence on Kratom.

Moreover, Phenibut itself cause dependence and severe withdrawal symptoms. Therefore, it is suggested that when taking the two drugs in combination, do not use Phenibut daily.

Take 2-3 days off in a week or go for cycling which means a period of 2 weeks ON and a period of 2 weeks OFF. The reason tolerance increases because the GABA receptors become desensitized to the effect of the drug or they are down-regulated.

Kratom and Phenibut

Just like Kratom, with Phenibut you will not experience a hangover. Instead, you will experience the Phenibut ‘afterglow.’

Some users reported that with continuous use of Phenibut they experience slight numbness and limb pain after hours of sleep while others reported a loss of libido and erectile dysfunction.

According to Reddit users, they also felt side effects like grogginess following the continuous use of Phenibut with Kratom. They also complained of constipation, blurred vision with less ability to focus. Users also claimed that they suffered from rebound insomnia or sleep problems after stopping the regular use of this combination.

Some users reported severe side effects like memory retention problems, severe dizziness, nausea and vomiting and development of psychosis and delusional state.

Kratom and Phenibut Precautions

The Kratom and Phenibut combination are potentially addictive, and it is very powerful. It could lead to replacement addiction if you are using this combination for opiate withdrawal. You need to be extra careful with dosing as higher doses can result in unpleasant effects. Use these drugs responsibly and appropriately educate yourself about both drugs before consuming them. Do not overdose yourself and abstain from using Phenibut regularly as you can get addicted to it and it also produce tolerance.

Planting flowering 10ft tall kratom tree in America


Planting flowering 10ft tall kratom tree

Planting flowering 10ft tall kratom tree, the lady I picked it up from was so surprised to see my car pull up she thought I’d be a farmer with a big pickup truck. I show up looking like a nerd with a Impala and hoping for the best. This is how I transported the trees. It wasnt easy I’ll be making the other videos available as well. They were extremely heavy to say the least although there wasnt very much damage to them. Took me about 5 hours to drive back to the nursery. The tree on top of the car was getting hit by 65 mile a hour winds. It was a good thing that we wrapped up the tree in a large camoflage tarp. This helped protect the tree while in transport and did a much better job then I think it was going too.

Whats new with this tree?

At this time of writing this the tree has 1 fertalized flower that is exposed. We were feeling the limbs of the trees and found that it also producing new seed pods! This is just a few weeks after planting! Im not sure how fertile these pods are going to become. But only time will tell how well they do.

However this was a fantastic find and a great addition to the nursery. As of now, we have 3 different geneticly varient trees that are producing seed pods. We will begin to cross breed with this new type of tree. We will specifically will be keeping a close eye on this tree and will be updating the community as the tree develops. However for up to the minute news on this tree keep your eye on our #kraomapp KratomWatchDog as that is where we will post all of our content on this tree. We have also included it in our #kratomproject where we track every interaction that we have with the kratom nursery.

If you enjoy content like this you should check out the #kratomapp KratomWatchDog. Here is the original post to the #kratomapp KratomWatchDog.



Kratom in your words

Planting flowering 10ft tall kratom tree

Taking Kratom Trees out of a BMW


Taking Kratom Trees out of a BMW

Bees Making Kratom Honey


Bees Making Kratom Honey

Buy Raw American Kratom Leaf

Bees Making Kratom Honey

Buy Raw American Kratom Leaf

Our very finest product is our whole kratom leaf that is grown in naturally in the USA.

Each fresh leaf is equal to around .8 or 1.2g of dried leaf. Each leaf is picked to ship, for freshness we recommend you select 2day shipping. Your leaf will keep for around eight days in the fridge or 3 – 4 days at room temperature in a sealed bag. Can be air dried to preserve the leaf at which point it can be stored like your typical Kratom leaf or powder. Whole kratom leaf is only available when the trees are flowering, and all of our leaf is picked from trees varying in age from 4 – 12 years old.

Kratom Nursery – Tour Through American Kratom Nursery


Kratom Nursery – Tour Through American Kratom Nursery

Our lush Kratom cuttings come from our organic American Kratom Nursery. As a U.S. kratom nursery we are focusing on growing kratom and advocacy. Our kratom co-op has a goal to help ensure American kratom as a main source for the United States. Each of our trees branches are pruned almost daily by our friendly staff.  We treat all of our kratom cuttings with the love and care they deserve.

The Kratom Bible is also available here on the #kratomAPP

Kratom Nursery - Tour Through American Kratom Nursery

The Kratom Project

Our goal is to merge tech with kratom to document every single aspect of these amazing plant while we grow these magnificent trees. We have taken kratom documentation to a new level and introduce “The Kratom Project”. On the #kratomAPP Kratom Watch Dog we tracking our kratom nursery as well as uploading every single interaction our staff has with our fully mature organic American kratom tree nursery.  We track is how much and how often we water or fertilize.

Furthermore, the growth with photos or video that were taken for the day that are also then accessible from that day on the Kratom Watch Dog in the Photos Section. Contact our team about “The Kratom Project”  and help make history. We appreciate the continued support from the kratom community.

Utilizing a technology called NFC. Near Field Communication, tags are small integrated circuits designed to store information that can be retrieved by NFC-enabled devices like the smartphones and tablets. These small stickers of wireless technology can also allow data transfer between two NFC enabled devices.

The Kratom Bible is also available here on the #kratomAPP

Kratom Cutting

Kratom Cutting

The Kratom Bible is also available here on the #kratomAPP

The #KratomAPP

Join us on our #kratomAPP on KratomWatchDog We are a Kratom social network built from the ground up by one of the founding member of the non-profit American Kratom Association. We are a booming social community with a focus on kratom advocacy. You can also find us on our group on Facebook by looking up Kratom The Tree or email us at kozykratom@gmail.com We are more than happy to talk with you anytime, and share our experience.