The psychological effects of kratom are of a very unique nature in comparison to other plants found in nature, contain both sedating and stimulating properties; these effects can differ depending on the strain, plant and one’s own personal chemistry. Nearly any strain can cause general mood-lifting, but the differences in strain can shift the spectrum of effects between stimulating and sedating.


Strains Thai Maeng Da Green MalaysianDosage Moderate

Preferred Vein Color White

According to uses, this plant may also be beneficial for the treatment of depression; however, not every strain is fit for this purpose. The more sedating strains may have some temporary effects on depression, but are lacking in effectiveness long term.


There are several ways to maximize anxiety relief through kratom — the ideal strain for anxiety relief is a borneo strain, though other sedating strains can work effectively, and can also double as a great kratom for sleep. A borneo kratom strain has a subtle, yet powerful effect of destroying anxiety and restlessness better than nearly any other strain.

Strains Borneo Bali IndoDosage Moderate

Preferred Vein Color Red