Majestic Kratom Seed Pods at dusk
Majestic Kratom Seed Pods at dusk- Mature Kratom. These seed pods are on a 11 year old American Grown Kratom Tree. If you would like to learn more check out our other videos. We have put out a lot of information on kratom seed pods specifically.
If you would like to buy some seed pods for yourself, you can on our sales site.
We are one of the few sources for American Kratom Seed that are available online that are actually fertile. Most kratom trees will not flower. And there is currently no direction on what makes a kratom tree flower. We have found the best way is by taking a cutting from a tree that is currently flowering or has the capacity to flower as we believe it is tied to something to do with the tree itself. You would assume that most seed pod development is seasonal. However, we have found in one particular tree that it has continued to flower for 5 years straight in multiple stages of development.
Where does the money from your order go to?
We are a small self funded American Kratom nursery. Our team does not take payment for our work. Everything we make goes back into the nursery, Documenting kratom, Our kratom social media platform Kratom Watchdog, Our kratom avatar chat Kynto, and our other kratom advocacy projects.’