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Good morning!

Hi! I am Judie, aka Piglett on FB. I am 62, and hubby and I have been using kratom since 2015. We live in Georgia.
I am a mesh survivor, as well as a MRSA survivor, however, those two things left me in constant pain. The MRSA liquified my spine. I was in bed for a year. I took a lot of pain meds, though I must admit, they did not control my pain, but every day I thanked God I had them.
After they fixed my spine properly and finally got the MRSA under control, they told me there was just too much damage done, and I would always be in pain.
I spent the first year weaning myself off of the narcotics, very slowly, but before my surgeon released me. I had friends who had gone to pain clinics and I was terrified of them. By now I had a hellacious fear of doctors. Yet, I had to have something for pain.
I researched online, and came across kratom. We got some, I started using it, and I had less pain. As time went on I got stronger. I went through 2 years of Post Acute Withdrawal, though I do not have an addictive personality. I believe kratom helped with my depression, anxiety, and mood swings during that time. I have not had a pain prescription in 4 years. I have also not increased my kratom dosage, which is a tsp at a time,every 3 to 6 hours depending on my body.
I have a lot of tools in my pain toolbox, and kratom is the one I use most. I am very thankful for it.
